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Also referred to as the ‘Reptoids’, ‘Reptiloids’, ‘Reptons’, ‘Homo-saurus’, ‘Lizard-men’, or the ‘Large Nosed Greys’. They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm.. They are described as being around 7-8 ft. tall and of various colors, grotesque, but most often moldy greenish with scaled crocodilian ‘skin’. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids which existed thousands of years ago on earth and via mutation and natural selection developed the brain-body coordination necessary to develop a technology. Some species still reportedly retain a visible ‘tail” although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct” saurian ancestors. Some abductees claim that the “lizard” people resemble a humanoid version of a Velociraptor. After a reputed battle in ancient times between a “pre-Scandinavian” race from the Gobi region and a Reptiloid race based in Antarctica, the reptilians allegedly lost the battle for domination of the surface world and were driven into underground networks in which they eventually developed aerial and space technology. (Draconian)

FROM: http://www.ufohq.org/
Also referred to as the ‘Reptoids’, ‘Reptiloids’, ‘Reptons’, ‘Homo-saurus’, ‘Lizard-men’, or the ‘Large Nosed Greys’. They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm.. They are described as being around 7-8 ft. tall and of various colors, grotesque, but most often moldy greenish with scaled crocodilian ‘skin’. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids which existed thousands of years ago on earth and via mutation and natural selection developed the brain-body coordination necessary to develop a technology. Some species still reportedly retain a visible ‘tail’ although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct’ saurian ancestors. Some abductees claim that the “lizard” people resemble a humanoid version of a Velociraptor. After a reputed battle in ancient times between a “pre-Scandinavian” race from the Gobi region and a Reptiloid race based in Antarctica, the reptilians allegedly lost the battle for domination of the surface world and were driven into underground networks in which they eventually developed aerial and space technology.

  1. The Naga’s are said to have appeared at the birth of Guatama Siddharta, who later became “Buddha”.
  2. B) The ancient “well” of Sheshna in Benares, India, is traditionally where the YOGA APHORISMS OF PATANJALI, a classical guide to students of Yoga, was written.” This ‘well’ is said to be an entrance to one of the Naga’s underworld lairs.

Sherman Minton states that “Sheshna’s well”, an alleged opening into the underground reptilian underworld of Patalas [consisting of seven worlds or cavern levels], may be seen today in Benares, India, and “… It has forty steps leading down into a circular depression to a stone door covered with cobras. This is said to lead to PATALA, the reptile netherworld legend of the Nagas, the “serpents” which live in extensive underground palaces in the rocky Himalayas. It is believed that these creatures are able to fly in space and that they possess amazing magical powers and intelligence. They are not too fond of man if he is a curiosity seeker, explorer or mountaineer. According to the sacred(?) tradition of the Hindus, the deep caverns of the Nagas contain fabulous treasures, illuminated by flashing precious stones. The subterranean abodes are known to be in certain parts of both the Himalayas and Tibet, particularly around the Lake of the Great Nagas - Lake Manosarowar.” Click Here For Further Information On This Species

FROM: http://www.burlingtonnews.net/secretsufo.html

The Agharti System of Central Asia allegedly , according to Hindi legends, links to ‘Snakeworld’, a multileveled cavern ystem under the southwestern slopes of the Himalayans, which is the home of the Nagas.

The Narga System is where we find the ‘serpent’ cult of human and reptilian collaborators. One of which is said to have had contact with Nazi Thule Society during World War II.

Long ago, an Asian prince is said to have led some warrior monks into the cave to irradicate this cult. Following the conflict the reptilians and collaborating forces were driven out. However, in recent centuries they have regained some ground.

Naga is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘serpent, one who is wise’. It is connected with the Dragon Spirit. Their language is Naga-Krita.
Chinese and Mexican call them Nagal
Tibetans call them Lu
Java call them Sesa
Egyptian show the Nagas as ‘King-Initiates’.

Hindu mythology claim them to be a Race of Serpents whose purpose was to populate the Underworld, Patalas. They are the 1,000 offspring of the sage Kasyapa and Kadru, the daughter of Daksha. They are only malevolent to humans when they have been mistreated and their venom is deadly. They also carry the elixir of life and immortality.

Sesha, meaning eternal, is the ‘World Serpent’ who provides the bed for Vishnu, as his heads give Vishnu shade. He is depicted either as human with the form of Bala-Rama or as a serpent dressed in purple with 1,000 heads, which cause earthquakes when he moves them.

At the end of each Kalpa (1,000 Ages), he destroys the world with fire. Lineages are described in great length in the Mahabharata.

Nagas are also referred to as the Targzissians. According to Sumerian Mythology, ENKI mated with ID, a female Nagas, producing MARDUK.

*Riley Martin described the Targzissians of co-habiting a 40 kilometer diameter, egg-shaped mothership orbiting Saturn with the Biaviians (along with five other races, including the Sirians)

Targzissians (Targs) are often referred to as Dracos. They have the ability to create telepathic illusions, giving the illusion of shape-shifting.

ENKI (1/2 Negas and 1/2 Pleiadian type (or an illusion of Pleiadian)), according to Sumerian myths , ‘mated’ with many human females in an attempt to produce male offspring, but had little success. ENKI was a biologist and genetic engineer, among other talents. The women he bred however, only produced females, which a Sumerian cuneiform text says (according to Sitchin) was an attempt to increase the female population of hybrids (Nefilim)

Another explanation to the dominance of Females is that there could have been sexual incompatibility (no human male Y chromosome), which makes more sense to me.

There is an ongoing debate, however, that the Targzissians and Nagas are not one in the same. They may only be a distant relative somehow. But others feel they are the same , being that they carried the same icon, logo or insigma of the ‘flying dragon’. But then maybe they belong to the same federation which carries the insigma of the ‘flying dragon’?

The Nagas were not considered to be cruel or murderous, but wise in the ways of the universe. The more heads a Naga had, the wiser it was. *Note: in N.E. India, in a wild, forest and undeveloped region bounded by Myanmar on the east and the Indian states of Manipur on the south, a primative tribe was found to inhabit the area, calling themselves the Naga Tribe, a Tibeto-Burman tribe , who interestingly practiced the traditon of ‘head-hunting’ I wonder if they did not take the myth seriously, believing owning these heads gave them the wisdom of the original Nagas.

Nagas of the Ancient times lived in a city called Bhogavati/Naga-loka, or Patala-loka in the Netherworld. The entrance to this grand city is supposed to be marked by ant-hills, although it is also said to be high atop Mount Meru. (Compare the Ant Hill Legend with The Hopi Indians of Arizona) In the center of their garden stands a tree of life and reincarnation guarded by an actual dragon.

Brahma is said to have relegated the Nagas to the nether regions when they became to populated on earth and commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those destined to die prematurely. Vasuki is their king. He possesses a gem on his head that can cure all diseases and gives good fortune. Vishnu is said to sleep on the coils of the ‘serpent’ Ananta who holds up the earth. Females Nagas are said to be beautiful beyond description . Many family with prestigious lineage claim to be descendents of the Nagas.

In the Secret Doctrine (H.P.Blavotsky), the first Nagas--being wiser than Serpents--are the ‘Sons of Will and Yoga, (Secret Doctrine, II, p.181). “Some of the descendants of the primitive Nagas, the Serpents of Wisdom, peopled America, when its continent arose during the palmy days of the great Atlantis,” (Secret Doctrine ((, p.182), (Bghgavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p.75)
The West’s Description is somewhat different, but worth noting:
Referred to as :
’Large Nosed Greys’
They are described as being around 7-8 ft. tall and of various colors, with reptilian type skin. Some believe that they may have descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids which existed on earth in Ancient Times. Via an unexplained evolution they may have developed the brain-body coordination necessary to develop a technology of their own, more advanced than homo-sapiens.

Some species still reportedly retain a visible ‘tail’ although much atrophied from their supposedly ‘extinct’ saurian ancestors. Some abductees claim that the “lizard” people resemble a humanoid version of a Velociraptor. Keep in mind though, they do have the shape-shifting abilities. So however they appear to the viewer may be a deliberate camoflauge of their true appearance.

After a reputed battle in ancient times between a “pre-Scandinavian” race from the Gobi region and a Reptiloid race based in Antarctica, the reptilians allegedly lost the battle for domination of the surface world and were driven into underground networks in which they eventually developed aerial and space technology.

During this time UFO’S or Flying Disc’s were used in Battle.

Adversaries of the Negas were Devas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Uragas, or Raksasas. These are all powerful races of humanoid beings that were openly active on the earth or in its general environs in Salva’s time.. Shambhala Hollow Earth.   Hö hö

REFER TO: AghariansTargzissiansDracos


First known visit to Earth happened only in 1989.
They abduct Humans and exercise control over the minds of their captives, which they use for their own benefit after the captives release, Reason: unknow.
This race was the "inspiration" for the alien race in the movie Independence Day, (note of Petro and me: the ARB states the same thing about another race)
They are one of the oldest races.
They are one of the races that most Human governments fear when considering the future of Humans.


NEONATES The Neonates are an alien species with extreme intelligence. Neonates are three to four feet tall, have a fetus-like facial appearance with a large oversized cranium. They are thin muscled and spindly, have light gray to dark cream-colored skin, five digits on each hand and are reported to possess telepathic abilities. Neonates are often times mistaken for Greys, another similar alien species in stature and color. However, the Neonates (unlike the grays) have pupils and retinas in their unusually large eyes. The eyes of Alien Greys are large too, but they are entirely black and have no distinguishable pupils or retinas in them. Alien Greys have only four digits on each hand as opposed to the five digits on each hand of the Neonate.

It was the Neonate species that was reportedly involved in the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash in 1947. It is also the Neonate species that allegedly abducted Betty and Barney Hill in 1962; the first documented 'Alien Abduction' case on record. During that abduction Betty Hill was told by these Neonate aliens that they originated from the Zeta Reticuli star system.


FROM: http://wiki.exopaedia.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.NOMMO

The Nommo is the name the people of the Dogon tribe in Mali give to an amphibian race (said to be half man, half fish) of alien visitors from Sirius. (There are strong similarities with the Babylonian water god Oannes who was also said to be half man, half fish.)
Note that the monolithic ‘El Friale’ statue in Tiahuanaco, from the waist downwards, also wears a garment meant to represent fish scales, each one carved into a tiny fish head.
A similar monolithic statue has been found in the now submerged site of Nevali Çori in Anatolia (Turkey).

Identifying Features: Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Angular Faces.

A tall race of blond haired, blue eyed humanoids often related to the star system Pleiades’. Both male and females are well built with muscular athletic bodies and stand over 6 feet tall. Facial features are humanoid, with eyes, nose and lips that vary in size. They are described as a benevolent race in connection with contact experiences.

Although Nordics are humanoid and externally almost identical to humans. There are subtle differences in the Nordic alien physiology, and most of them are based on the living conditions that they have grown up in. Their planets are extremely hot and dry, and have a low oxygen content in the atmosphere. They have a larger lung capacity than humans and have a copper based blood in order to carry oxygen more efficiently. The eyes are protected by inner lids and can allow them to see into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. They have only 28 teeth, as they lack a back pair of molars. Their heads are longer than humans.

The brain case is about 0.2 mm thicker and the bone is harder. The brain is the same as the human brain as far as structure and size is concerned, except for the midbrain area, where there are functions that allow telepathic and telekinetic skills. It explains the psionic powers of the Nordics. They average about 2 meters in height. Females about 1.7 meters. They have no sweat glands. The skin allows moisture to be drawn from the air as well as moisture to penetrate. The heart beats at around 242 beats per minute, and the average blood pressure is 80 systolic and 40 diastolic. They have extremely dilated blood vessels.

The heart is located where the human liver would be. The cartilage that would protect a human heart extends down 3.5cm further in the Nordic in order to protect this structure. Blood cells are biconvex in contrast to the concave cells of humans. Kidney type functions only allow about half the liquid consumed to be excreted. The rest is evidently put back into the system. Urine is thick with minerals and appears in color and texture to freshly pumped crude oil. Feces are dry pellets with all moisture removed. The adult Nordic can regulate the amount of adrenaline in their body. They have no pineal gland. Nordic females are capable of being impregnated at any time, but the males are capable of impregnation about once a year. The period of incubation is three to five months.


FROM: http://wiki.exopaedia.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.NORS

In The White Sands Incident, Dr. Daniel Fry mentions the “Nors.” They are said to be an “etheric” higher dimensional race that originated on Venus. When they choose to take physical shape, they look like Earth’s Nordic races. They supposedly are one of the Eldest races in our solar system, and are Members of the “galactic council.” The Nors no longer inhabit Venus.

Legend has it that the Nors were one of the extra-terrestrial races that visited Lemuria. They would also be responsible for some of the bases on the Moon, Venus and Mars. Megjegyezném, hogy a Vénusz felszíni hőmérséklete 450 C, a CO2 légkör nyomása 90 atm..

Note: These are NOT the Nordics / Blonds that are mentioned in a lot of the UFO literature.

FROM: http://wiki.exopaedia.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.NYPTONIANS

In his book, the coming of Tan, Riley Martin describes how he was taken on board of a huge egg-shaped “mothership” in the vicinity of Saturn. On the mother-ship he learned it was inhabited by seven different species of intelligent technological life forms, of which the Nyptonians are one.

No other authors mention this species.

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